Thu 28 Mar 19 | 0 comments
[ninja_form id=4]
For data protection reasons we need your permission to hold or share the personal details on your CV in order to enhance your employment opportunities. We will only send the CV to potential employers or contractors of freelance services, as applicable, on a confidential basis. Once we have sent the details to potential employers and contractors of freelance services, the details will be held by such parties in accordance with their own data protection policies. If you have sent us your CV and you do not agree or you change your mind at any time and no longer consent for us to hold or share your details on this basis, please let us know by contacting us by phone or email as soon as possible. We will hold the CV on our systems unless instructed by you at any time to cease sending out the CV and/or to remove it from our system. We will ask you on a regular basis if you would like us to continue to hold your details on our system and, if you would no longer like us to do so, upon receipt of your request, we will remove such details from our system.